Saturday, December 31, 2011

Illustration: Dancer

I saw this girl busking in town today, and wrested my father's phone from him so I could snap a few reference photos (my own phone is so old that it doesn't even have colour, let alone a camera =P) and used one of them to do this tonight.
I'm not at all sure what type of dancing she was doing, certainly something Asian, but it was pretty, and she was so gorgeously happy while she was doing it. This is based heavily on one of my photos, but naturally not completely. I wanted a little illustration in my usual watercolour style, not a realistic piece. 

It's quite heavy on the gold paint, so here's a photo as well, to show off the shininess:

Winsor and Newton watercolours, Artline Drawing System Pens, Reeves Gouache in Moleskine Sketchbook, about 2.5/3 hours.


  1. I love this picture! It looks so good when you can see the shining gold. I'm glad you posted both versions of the pictures.

  2. Thanks Imogen! Someone needs to invent a scanner that picks up metallic paint, because sometimes (as with cases like this) it adds such a lot to a picture... but then you can't share it properly. The dancer herself had a lot of metallic stuff on her, and it just wouldn't have been right without all the gold. =)

  3. I've seen this girl around town! Isn't she sweet :D love that you took the time to paint her :) hmm also having the same painful thing with gold paints and scanning *sigh* one day scanners will be amazing heh.

    1. Hi Cally! How're you going? Yes, she's very sweet, so happy! ^.^
      You're right, one day someone cleverer than me will invent a scanner that does all sorts of fabulous things, just as scanning gold paint and 3d items. Preferably they will do this in my lifetime. =P

    2. Sorry it took me a while to get back! I've been busy doing the art thing also :) I'm having an exhibition in the city in June that I'm working towards and have also been painting a mural -_- I don't think I want to draw so many flowers on a wall again :/. Hmm I think we will have to wish for a little while longer for scanners that pick up gold and go with cameras :C though your painting looks lovely in both pics!

    3. Ooh, an exhibition! How exciting! You *must* tell me when it is so I can come and see! Things are a bit slow for me at the moment, but there's a big project that I'm pitching for on Monday, so fingers crossed =P Other than that, I'm mainly working on a very tedious portrait (bad reference photo, but I'm getting there)



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